A Word from Nancy - Central American Pygmy-Owl

“When your intention is clear,
so is the way.”
-Alan Cohen
Although this is an inspring quote, I would change it a bit, by replacing “the way” with “the next step”. Once upon a time I thought I needed to know the entire path before I started on my way toward an intention. I’ve found more success, as well as energy and the willingness to get started, by focusing on just the next step. Often magic happens, and subsequent steps appear that I had no inkling of when I was starting out.
This intent little owl was focused on getting some delicacies for his mate, who was sitting on their nest in a nearby tree. I took the photo last April at Laguna del Lagarto Lodge, here in Costa Rica.

Intent little owl
Here’s a shot of her (presumably) patiently waiting:

And here she is with lunch:

I’m assuming that two of the three parties involved were pleased that the intention was realized.
These owls range from 5 to 7 inches tall, and since this looks like just the leg (of a lizard?), I’m guessing the prey was larger than the predator! That final step must have been interesting…