Birding Club Costa Rica

900+ Species

Birding Club Costa Rica

900+ Species

Birding Club Costa Rica

900+ Species

Birding Club Costa Rica

900+ Species

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The Birding Club of Costa Rica

The Birding Club of Costa Rica (BCCR) is a private group that, for more than 20 years, travels around the beautiful country of Costa Rica to observe and identify the 900+ species of birds found here, learn about different parts of the country, and enjoy the company of like-minded and interested people.


We have only one business meeting a year, in June. In a year, we have 8 to 12 trips from one to four days in duration on average of one a month, organized by individual members and led by professional birding guides. We also have a get together in December for a holiday party. Members receive The Tico Tweeter, our monthly newsletter. Our activities are conducted in English, although we have many members who are fluent in Spanish and other languages.


If you are a birder, a bird photographer, or would like to become a birdwatcher, either serious or casual, here in Costa Rica, we hope you will find us of interest and become a member.

When you become a member, you will have access to the member-only content on this website including information about all the locations we have visited and the birds we have identified. You will receive emails with club activities and The Tico Tweeter, our monthly newsletter.

Our field trips are limited to BCCR members and guests.


Take a Sneak Peek

Click on a Star on our Interactive Map to the right to see where we have visited over the last decade.

Don’t miss a visit to BCCR Adventures to get more of an idea of where we have gone and what we have seen.


About this site

As birdwatching enthusiasts, we want to facilitate our activities and provide, for ourselves and for the birding community as a whole, a record of what we have experienced.

The site works together with the Tico Tweeter, our internal monthly newsletter, to collect plans, results, and observations into a database that can be easily searched.

The Photo Gallery on the site provids a resource for identifying birds at home. Our Facebook page allow sharing of experiences and questions about birding.

Current Members

Log in to see Latest News below.

Then go to BCCR Adventures to get the updated Tico Tweeter,  Trip Reports,  Birdlists, and Upcoming Events.


Our Club in Numbers


Members in the



Countries of Origin of

FB Followers



Locations Visited



Species Seen