Rio Tigre - April 1 - 3, 2024
Bird List
Seen and Heard -
At the Lodge 95
At the River and Playa 73
Rio Tigre

Dorothy was first to arrive in mid-afternoon, followed shortly by new members and others who arrived just before dinner after being delayed by a fallen tree blocking the winding road to Rincon.
We were all able to drive across the river, low at this time of year, right to the lodge. We were greeted by a vocal Riverside Wren trilling away. While chatting on the verandah, we caught views of a Black-cheeked Ant-tanager, plus Buff-rumped Warbler, Gray-headed Tanager, a female Orange-collared Manakin and a Gray-cowled Wood-Rail.
After a delicious three-course dinner featuring chicken in mango chutney sauce, we all headed to our private quarters to prepare for an early start in the morning around 5 am.
After morning coffee accompanied by slabs of freshly baked zucchini bread, Heather, Sherri and Dorothy headed up the steep forest trail with Abraham leading the way, accompanied by a Chestnut-backed Antbird. At the top of the ridge, with the help of Abraham's eagle eyes and scope, we had close-up looks at a Lineated Woodpecker feeding her hungry chick in a tree-hole nest, along with sky views of soaring Scarlet Macaws, Mealy Parrots and a close-up view of a White-necked Puffbird. Heading downhill to the lagoon we had good views of half a dozen Boat-billed Herons and a pair of Rufous-tailed Jacamars, male and female.
After lunch and a brief respite to catch our breath, along with a cool soak in the river, two members crossed the river on the tree trunk bridge and walked through the village with Abraham. In a small pond we watched an American Pygmy Kingfisher busily fishing, had good looks -- among other birds -- at a Red-rumped Woodpecker and observed a large, sleepy caiman that entirely filled the small pond he was floating in.
After another first-class dinner featuring tuna steaks marinated in ginger, garlic and soy sauce, we checked off the day's bird list.
The next morning, we set off in a car to bird along the Rio Tigre road, brightened by yellow blazes of Corteza Amarillo trees in full blossom. The standout experience was watching a Gray-lined Hawk perched on a branch and devouring a still wriggling snake. We ended up at Sandalo Beach, which we had all to ourselves apart from a troop of squirrel monkeys entertaining us with their acrobatics.
Luck – and a great guide in Abraham – gave us long looks at the often hard-to-spot mangrove specialists: Mangrove Warbler, male and female; and a whole family of Mangrove Hummingbirds: Dad, Mom and a fluffy chick. We even got to watch mom feeding the chick by thrusting her bill down the chick's. We also had excellent looks at a Whimbrel, a soaring Frigate Bird, and a Chestnut-backed Antbird that was curious enough to hop closer for a look at us.
Later that morning, a dark sky warned us that rain was imminent. Heather headed off shortly after breakfast and I followed quickly after, just in case the river rose quickly and the uphill road got too slick for my non-four-wheel-drive Kia.
Some of us stayed at the lodge another day, chasing insects and photographing, with Liz's prompts, some birds missed by the others, including a Little Tinamou on the path next to the shower house.
Among the many heard but not seen birds was an elusive White-throated Crake.
Unfortunately, one member, on her first official birding trip, was severely stung by ants on her sandaled foot and departed the second evening to get home for some medical help. She has recovered.
Guide: Abram from Rio Tigre
A few photos from the trip!
Can you Name That Bird?
Bird 1

Bird 2

Bird 3

And a few older pictures from Rio Tigre.